Special Needs Trusts

A child with special needs requires a specialized team with the right skills.

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where to start

It is our privilege to ensure that your loved one is provided for and to provide you peace of mind. Our legal team at Ishihara & Parker Law Firm PLLC can help your family with these questions:

Do i need a Guardianship?
Does My Child need Powers of Attorney?
How Can I provide for my child and not mess up their benefits?
What is a Special Needs Trust?
What is the difference between Self-Settled Trusts and Third-party Trusts?
Does my Trust have a Payback Provision?
Can i use an A.B.L.E. Account?

get the right answers

Let us guide you and your family through the numerous issues that need to be addressed when you care for a disabled child or incapacitated adult.
